About Us

About Us

Mark wrote a Patent in 2013 for a technology to help people improve their lives faster and more effectively.  That is what technology does, it helps us do things better or do things we cannot do because of the technology.  

Is there a better thing to focus technology on than human ability?  Just think if technology can actually put an end to human suffering!  No more poverty, hunger, disease, hate & wars.  Could technology do that?  

There’s one way to find out.  Start using the 7 modules of Knowledge, Awareness, High Performance, Schedule & Monitor, Practice, Journal & Reminder & Explore, Dream & Choose.  Start Now.  



Our Mission

Our Mission at IOW, Improve Our World is to put technology inside everyhome around the globe that is focused on the most important thing on planet earth, Human Ability.  When technology is effectively applied to human ability we will create a spike in the Bell Curve of Human Ability!  

Life will be better for everyone.  Men, women & children, rich, poor, middle class will all benefit when everyone becomes significantly smarter and more able to live together effectively.  

Join our mission and let’s make our world a better place for everyone.  

Our Vision

 Imagine a planet where every single home around the globe has highly effective technology empowering everyone within to be incredible relative to today’s standards.  

A planet full of amazing people all capable of conributing to society in positive & powerful ways.   

With everyone empowered with futuristic intelligence and healthy habits of care of themselves with world class skills, would there be any chronic pain and suffering?  Would there be any hate & violence?  World wars all be reduced to disagreements that are always resolved due to an abundance of intelligence & wisdom.  

It’s a wonderful vision.  Join us today and add a powerful purpose to your life!