Intro to AHIT

 AHIT is Coming

AHIT is coming to the market to empower people to improve their lives faster & more effectively than ever before in history.  It’s a new technology that relies on 7 Elements to present Scientific Principles & High-Performance Techniques to the user and then provide them with the ideal Practice Enviorment to empower them to generate & control more energy inside their nervous system than is possible without the technology. 

More energy, more control = more results of new healthy habits & new higher levels of ability to create abundance in their lives.  

The 7 Elements are not built and functioning yet!  But the empowering information & liberating techniques to acquire & practice has been around for decades and in some instances millennia.  

The ultimate purpose of AHIT is to liberate humanity from the primitive conditions of poverty & disease, hate & violence.  What better use of technology than to eliminate these age old primitive & painful realities.  The same energy that will heal these primitive painful realities is the same energy that will empower us to explore & develop our human potential.  

Is there a better use of technology possible than to put an end to these primitive realities of our existence?  What will our potential ultimately be?  Or … how super can we be?  Time will tell.  Reading this article gives you an opportunity use the technology and contribute to the 7 Elements being developed.  

People struggle because they lack the resource of knowledge and the mental techniques to use it.  The purest form of knowledge is Scientific Principles.  When we apply these truths to daily life we understand what is happening & why.  

Are you being effective or are you struggling?
Are you happy or sad?
Healthy or sick?  Rich or poor?

There are Success Principles developed from studying successful people when applied to your daily life show you why & how you are happy or sad, healthy or sick, rich or poor.

This information is more than enlightening, it is inspiring!  Especially if any part of your life is hurting or someone you love is hurting.

Success Principles will teach you to “value & appreciate the Practice for what it is.”  The cause of your success!

“Practice is what empowers you to live a healthy, happy & prosperous life.

You are fortunate when You Practice health.  It is a 24/7 responsibility.  You get to enjoy health because you Practice it as a way of life.

You are fortunate when You Practice loving relationships.  It is a 24/7 responsibility.  You get to enjoy loving relationships because you Practice it as a way of life.

You are fortunate when You Practice financial prosperity.  It is a 24/7 responsibility.  You get to enjoy financial security & eventual freedom because you Practice it as a way of life.

What does AHIT do that other services are not yet doing!  It delivers the 7 Elements in a way to keep You Practicing & loving the Practice 24/7!

Practice Prosperity & Be Prosperous!  Practice Love & Be Loved!  Practice Health & Be Healthy! 

AHIT will get you in the game & keep you in the game of Practicing Being the Person Who is Creating What they Want, 24/7!

I discovered the 7 Elements when I wrote the patent in 2013.  The patent was not approved because 3 doctors at the Harvard Medical School wrote a similar patent before I did.  They had six of the seven in theirs.  Powerful confirmation I was on the right track!

Can you guess which one they did not include?  Win a prize is you guess correctly.  Guess Here.

The 7 Elements of AHIT are “fundamental components necessary” to learn any information and develop any skill as efficiently & effectively as is possible today.   I say today because if at any time in the future technology develops to input information and skill into a nervous system without the need to take it in with our 5 senses and Practice it than at that time the 7 Elements will no longer to necessary.  I love to think!

The question I asked myself in 2012 & 2013 for 18 months writing the patent is, “how can I help people as powerfully and effectively as possible?”  My conclusion.  The 7 Elements.

The 7 elements are:


Elements 1, 2, 3, 4 are for acquiring information.  Elements 5, 6, & 7 are the Practice of developing the increased skill.

1 The Knowledge Module will deliver to you the Primary Information needed to accomplish your objective.  AHIT will deliver it as fast as possible.

That’s what technology does right?  It helps us do things faster and better, and sometimes empowers us to do things that are impossible without technology.

AHIT is a technology synergizing other technologies together to create a spike in the Bell Curve of human ability.  As it does this your life and everyone’s life you love will be blessed.  Yea baby!

To function effectively AHIT will provide you with the information needed to get Practicing ASAP.  The Practice environments, AR & VR will be optimized to remove or control distractions & present knowledge & performance techniques at Precisely Timed Intervals to optimize you learning the knowledge & developing the skill. 

We will consistently present the Operational Information You Need before telling you any stories or giving you any references of who this have helped.  Anybody else like that idea?  Give me the good stuff first!

Time is so important!  The stories will be provided immediately after the Operational information as sometimes stories help us to understand and use the information.  References will be provided as well.  As of August 24, 2023 there are none.

AHIT’s Genesis Presentation of knowledge is the concise presentation of the Core Scientific Principles of Physics, Psychology, Biology, Social Economics that articulates the predictable cause & effect cycles of daily life.  Being able to see the patterns of life is a necessary skill to adapt to life effectively.

This Genesis Presentation is composed specifically to  empower people to find these patterns right away.

It is Scientific Principles that will bless people with a deep and expansive understanding of what is happening in their life and why.  Why?

Because Scientific Principles is what is used to interpret Time & Space.  It is how it is done!

If we do not apply Scientific Principles to find and interpret the events of life, we must trust someone else’s explanation of what has or is happening and why.  When anyone invests the time to apply these Principles and give careful attention to see what is happening & why they will see it and know it for themselves.

My suggestion is when it comes to understanding life, do not trust anyone!   Teacher, parent, doctor, lawyer, clergyman, politician.  Hello.  Why trust someone about something that impacts your health & happiness when you can look & listen to see & hear to verify it for yourself.  All it requires is to look & listen long enough to see & hear the cause & effect cycles of what is happening.  Once you have seen it you will know it yourself.

Here are AHIT’s 16 Profound Words in the English language to begin understanding Time & Space.

Everything is made of Energy Vibrating to Communicate & Move around in Predictable Cause & Effect Cycles.

I include Predictable to inform you of an important fact that once you acquire this accurate information you can predict your future.  With Practice you can choose it!

And I include the word Communicate to inform you of the never-ending communication we all have access to.  All successful people connect with and use it to varying degrees.  Using AHIT will cause you to connect and use it.

So, to realize your full human potential to enjoy the best life possible for you, you must gain access to this aspect of time & spaceGaining access to it is what makes life wonderful!  It is how we connect with the energy of God or the Universe, whichever one floats your boat!

So in the vast reaches of the immensely huge Universe that evolved or God created – the most important thing vibrating & moving around in Cause & Effect Cycles is Your Thoughts.  Right there between your ears.

How do you gain access to this connection?  Practicing the 5 Power Pillars applied to Your Daily life.

One of THE Most Relevant questions to you can ask yourself is –

  • What are my thoughts communicating and hearing?
  • Am I focused on what I want or what I do NOT want?
  • Am I listening?

Mindless self-talk is what stops You & me from communicating we want in our lives and hearing when & where to show up to create it.  How do we stop the invisible cycles of movement between our ears causing all our problems?  You know, Practice!

In search for the truth I was deeply pleased and amazed when I saw the power of Physics – How the 3 Laws of Motion, Gravity & Entropy precisely determine how:

(My Psychology is moving around inside my Biology in “predictable cause & effect cycles”)
(My Body to move around in My Social Economic Habitats in “predictable cause & effect cycles”)

To determine the quality of my life.  So much truth in such a small number of words.

How do I improve my thoughts & behavior?  LOL ahhhhh, Practicing the 5 Power Pillars!

So what are the 5 Power Pillars.  They are:

  1. Success Principles to train your mind with principles to plan & execute being more effective everywhere in your life. Practice exploring your amazing human potential to enjoy the best life possible for you.
  2. Mindfulness training trains your mind to stop moving around without the purpose distracting you from the Practice of living the best life possible for you. The untrained mind is like a fish out of water.
  3. Neural Linguistics Programming to train your brain with techniques to communicate effectively with yourself and everyone else. First yourself.  Communication is a fundamental Practice living a life of preference.
  4. Nutrition provides your body with the nutrients to build healthy tissue and the fuel to generate energy of life and clear away the debris left over from the metabolic process. Hey there’s some biology!
  5. Exercise provides your body with the strength & physical skill to move around with power & eloquence to create the life you desire after considering all your options.

With AHIT you will be guided to give the appropriate careful consideration to your options.  When it comes to the life you are going to live for as long as you’re going to be around it is foolish and illogical to choose anything less than the best option available to you.

These Pillars provide you with the resources You need to Nurture and care for yourself to cause yourself to enjoy health, happiness & prosperity.

This message is a message of empowerment from enlightenment.  It is my mission to bring it to the world and live like a king because of my contribution.  Yea I’m motivated.

2 The Awareness Module will do something unique.  As well as teaching Mindfulness other mental techniques this module will guide you to identify the habits of thought You experience from Sunday morning to Saturday night.   These thoughts happening inside each of you are what determine the realities of your life.

To each and every one of us – the most relevant energy in the incredibly huge universe is the energy vibrating and moving around in Cause & Effect cycles between our ears.

It’s safe to say that no one alive today is aware of all their thoughts.  It is also safe to say that all people who are struggling are not aware of those mindless & negative thoughts causing them to struggle.

This extensive process of identifying & understanding the dominant cycles of thought creating your experiences will disclose the non-stop self-talk conversations you have with yourself.  When you observe them enough, you’ll discover many of them are not finished like many of the tasks you are not getting to in your life.  How we do one thing is how we do most things.  Our self-talk habits are the most relevant example of this powerful truth.

When they are mindless, lacking a purpose to be happy, they are distracting you from clearly perceiving & interpreting what is happening to you.  Working on AHIT has caused me to see, “our thoughts are happening to us when they lack a purpose.”  When we add purpose, they happen for us!

As you identify more of the habits of thought you discover the causes of what is happening in your life.  These hundreds of habits of thoughts cycling inside our heads, most of them below our awareness, are causing us to be who we are and live the life we are living.

Possessing this list of habits of thought provides you with a life-transforming opportunity.  Choose the antidotal opposite positive thoughts to all the negative thoughts, and bring purpose to the purposeless mindless ones, AND THEN …. Practice them over and over until they replace the mindless or negative ones, and your life is transformed from mindlessly negative to mindfully positive.

Practice thoughts that possess a Mindful Purpose to create what you want, and you will create it if it is possible for you.  There is no reason to keep thinking thoughts that are reducing the quality of your life when the opportunity to change them is always there.

24/7 – 52 weeks a year.  You can start Practicing the good ones any time to change the realities of your life.  AHIT will help you make the transformation sooner!

If my imagination is perceiving reality correctly, this process is going to be a key part of a process empowering people to improve their lives faster than ever before in human history!  Time will tell.

I also sense that many people are going to face the pain of realizing that they are responsible for much of the pain in their and their families lives.  These tears of pain may never have been realized had they not engaged in the meticulous process of finding all the habits of thought they think.  The more pain the more love and spiritual enrichment will occur.

So, our thoughts cycling inside our heads have been caused by our previous life experiences.  These thoughts are what is causing us to do & feel what we do & feel.  Changing what we think will change what we do is the foundation of improving our lives.  Stop ignoring & neglecting important things and all the sudden our life is cared for, and our lives are transformed wonderfully so.

But also, sometimes as well as what we do, how well we do it will have an equally amazing impact on the quality of our lives.  So many of us are doing the right thing but we are sucking at it because we were criticized growing up.  We try to do the right thing.  We are just not able to do better because of the internal beliefs about who we are.  They are false truths about what is possible for us.  FALSE!

As social creatures the best way we learn is to watch somebody do something and copy it.  Before AHIT most people did not have that friend and mentor way better at being who we need to be so we could copy them to create the life we desire.  This is what the High-Performance Library does for humanity moving forward.

3 The High-Performance Library will be the most expensive and labor-intensive part of AHIT to build.  Imagine a library of training videos that encompass every possible skill a person needs to live the best life possible.  Imagine these videos containing all the details, displayed from all perspectives of the skill to empower the user to master every meticulous aspect of it.  All of this information will be presented to the user enable them to Practice those life skills at higher and higher levels until world class is realized.  Hello, I’m excited!

The High-Performance Library is your digital mentor to study and imitate to get better at the tasks of life.  From thinking clearly, to communicating effectively, to executing a skill you perform in your career or hobby or anywhere else.  These videos will be your source of how to do everything better.

4 The Schedule & Monitor Module – to assure making the most progress possible Scheduling your Practice and Monitoring how well you are practicing are necessary.  There is not a magic pill, yet.  The more you Practice and the more effectively you Practice the more results you will get.  Using AHIT is going to be amazing.

What I believe we will be able to do is make the practice of AHIT as fun as playing a video game.  I aspire to lead the teams of AHIT to make it the one of the most played and enjoyed games ever played in human history.  If we succeed humanity is going to become a super race of beings!  YES!

I believe scheduling & executing rigorous Practice schedules will become the norm on planet earth.  Monitoring the key elements of Your practice will enable you to discover inefficiencies in your practice so you can make those subtle adjustments to maximize your growth, and get better and better and better.  How fast can we learn and grow?  How good can we get?  We are going to find out.

5 The Practice Module – is the hub of AHIT.  It is where you go to create optimum growth in your habit development and increase in your levels of ability.  AHIT is going to empower humanity to create new habits and increase levels of ability, yep, faster than ever before in human history.  Can I get a yes!  Oh yes!

Using Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality we will increase the amount of energy a person can generate and control over longer periods of time.  When we combine this with a healthy diet and nutritional supplements people are going to be able to generate new healthy human tissue in special ways.  Time will tell what comes of it.

Virtual Reality will create an environment to practice free from all distractions to generate and control more energy.  More energy, more control = more results.

Now I have something amazing to share.  Well, another amazing thing to share.  What if we can develop algorithms of displaying content in alternating patterns in a Virtual Reality environment so the person sees a picture and then imagines it right away, and then sees another picture and imagines it right away?  And we do this over and over in developing patterns?  Can this enable people to develop their imaginations to generate special patterns of energy at levels not yet realized in human history?

Can this increase in energy generated and cycled be directed at possibly a crystal to impact matter beyond the reach of the physical body?   Sounds like a plausible theory to me.  I’m not the first to think of it.  I just have a plausible plan of how we can do it.  I call it the alternating display patterns to maximize imagination growth.

That is fun futuristic possibilities but in the immediate present, people can heal damaged tissue from traumatic life experiences.  People can develop skills to deal with difficult people.  People can program themselves to enjoy hanging out with their kids to be better parents.  YES!  People can program themselves to get better in their career.  This list goes on and on to cover every challenge a person faces that they could improve by changing their habits or getting better at a skill.  This is what AHIT is designed to do.

Now if that’s not amazing enough, I believe the thousand reps a day with Augmented Reality is going to be equally incredible.

So there’s no magic pill to create instant change for people in pain.  We can sedate the pain, but we cannot magically change the causes of the pain.  But what if we could empower people to get thousands of reps of practice a day?  How much would it accelerate their changing the amount of and patterns of the connective tissue inside their bodies to improve their lives?

No matter how much Practice we get in perfectly designed sessions when we go out to live their lives the old energy patterns of our lives will begin to flow again undoing some of the work we have done.  Those mindless negative thoughts will happen in predictable amounts based on how much practice we have completed, how old we are, how recent and traumatic any life experiences have been verse the sleep diet and exercise we have gotten recently.  It’s math!

So with Augmented Reality we can create specific pieces of practice content, (likely symbols) re-presenting the content Practiced in Virtual Reality with either audio or in smart glasses (in a minimal opacity, so they can see through the content) to be reminded to continue to flow the desired content over and over during their day.  Talk about brainwashing!

It seems logical to me that the average person could complete at least a thousand reps a day.  That’s a thousand reps a day that will not happen unless AHIT is present.  Some may be able to complete a few thousand reps a day.  I estimate most people will be able to realize years of growth in a month or so, maybe even weeks.  Whatever it is, is there any doubt that people will be able to change their habits and improve their levels of ability significantly faster and more effectively than if they do not engage in the 7 Elements?

If this excites you, please subscribe or donate now.  All subscriptions are 100% refundable.  All donations will be handled by a third-party administrator. 

6 The Reminder & Journal Module – as just presented the reminder aspect of this module works with the Practice Module to deliver a thousand reps a day to complete a new level of practice/programming because of this technology.  We will of course expand AHIT to become a day timer, planner to remember appointments on busy days.  AHIT can also be expanded to be present in home or work settings to nurture human interaction or other desirable conditions for all living organisms present.

The Journal aspect of the technology will serve do two important things to accelerate growth of the user.  It will enable the user to capture those aha moments that happen on busy days that might be forgotten and not gotten as much out of it.  And, it will empower the user to capture & record a negative habit of thought yet discovered during the process of engaging the Awareness module.  Each negative habit of thought lowers the quality of your life.  It is like a weed if you will in the garden of your consciousness.  As soon as we find one, creating an antidotal positive thought and adding it to our Practice sessions advances our journey to realizing the best version of ourselves.  We will traverse this journey growth & exploration much faster using AHIT.

Finally we find…

7 Explore, Dream & Choose Module – As we wash away the negative habits and the limiting beliefs our journey of growth leads us to believe we can do more.  So much of human consciousness here on planet earth is being blinded by limiting beliefs.  Limiting beliefs that are false and do not accurately represent what is possible.  Inspired by epiphanies and regularly visits to the Explore, Dream & Choose Module will provide so many of our brothers and sisters of humanity with exciting goals to choose and plan for.  It gives our lives meaning and purpose.  Sometimes it gets us up on a Monday morning with a zest for the day.  Using AHIT will cause many people to discover their natural purpose that was hidden due to their life experiences.

Just about everyone grew up in a dysfunctional home setting.  Many of us have also had those traumatic childhood experiences that have caused some of our memory cells to malfunction at times in our life.  Personally, I had nightmares that evolved into daymares that continued until I was 25!   Wow.  It amazes me when I think of that.  How much did those damaged cells in my nervous system impact my adult life?  Whatever they did they did not cause me to give up on my dreams.  You reading this is proof of that.  If you have read this far, I am excited what AHIT will do for you & loved ones, and what you might bring to the project to impact more people’s lives.

I love you.  Choose to practice Mindful Purpose after researching what you want most in your life.